
Imperial star destroyer ii
Imperial star destroyer ii

To enter the welcoming ceremony needs, Emperor Sheev Palpatine and his older twin brother, Regis will commence plotting and scheming around to the heart of darkness, joining forces with the Dark Universal Empire to combat Celestial Federation fleet. Imperial I-class Star Destroyers are powerful, and can track down enemy ships at long range with the use of the tractor beam targeting array, capturing freighters and smaller battle cruisers in the process.

imperial star destroyer ii

In the first years of the Galactic Empire, The Imperial I-class Star Destroyers are constructed in favor of the intergalactic defense needs, long before the Alliance to Restore the Republic will be established. The Imperial-class Star Destroyers are first designed by Kuat Drive Yards to replace the predecessors, the Galactic Republic Naval fleet into Imperial Naval fleet, and sought to revoke any Rebel sightings here.

imperial star destroyer ii imperial star destroyer ii

The two models of Imperial-class Star Destroyers bristled with weapon capabilities, such as heavy turbolaser batteries, NK-7 ion cannons, and proton missiles to destroy any Rebel fighters in one shot. In some of years prior before the second battle of Pelennor Fields, the Star Destroyer's bridge initially features the tractor beam targeting array which was responsible for tracking the targeted starships at long range. The Bridge features the communications tower, and the two bridge deflector shield globes which were seen on either sides of the tower. The wedge-shaped Star Destroyer's reinforced hull, alongside its steel traces are grey in coloration, and the raised bridge tower is located on the stern of the Star Destroyer. The Imperial-class Star Destroyers are the intergalactic battleships are much larger than the predecessors, the Venator-class Star Destroyers.

Imperial star destroyer ii